"Site Build It! Scam"?
Beware of Malicious
"Site Build It! Reviews" Campaigns
Click here for the 2017 Site Build It! Scam Update.
In February 2009, unscrupulous competitors flooded the Web with fake reviews about "site build it scam" or "sitesell scam" and other untrue, negative "Site Build It! reviews." It was, in effect, a "Google bomb" to gain high search rankings for search terms that would damage our reputation.
Since then, the occasional disgruntled ex-customer (e.g., "fired" for being a persistent and severe disruptor of the SBI! Forums) has found and joined them, complete with link optimization. Almost all of these people with the defaming high rankings, 10-15 total, were SBI! users.
Yes, we see the irony...
It is a warped kind of testimony to the power of SBI!. 💪 It is even stranger when successful customers, trained by a product, publicly state that their goal is to destroy that same product. Yikes. 😱 😱 😱
Successful with their SBI! businesses, they now take great pains to claim that SBI! "had nothing to do with it." One site grew to 3,000 visits per day. The owner claimed not to have used SBI! to achieve this level of success, despite the plain facts that...
- she renewed it monthly for 36 consecutive months
- she called SBI! "the best product for online business-building" (in the SBI! Forums)
- our database documents her extensive usage in detail.
These IEDs' (Irrationally Exuberant Detractors 😉) coordinated intensity is surpassed only by their ability to flat-out lie. And it turns out that our response options are surprisingly limited, to wit...
Lawsuits take time, are distracting, and would only replace one hydra head with another, while making us "the bad guy." Despite the fact that legal opinions from Canada and 3 different states in the U.S. all say we would win easily, this is not an attractive option.
Debate is counterproductive because they are not sincere. They lose in straight-up, intellect-driven debate. So their replies simply flame more lies and fury. It's "bait"... not debate. They swarm like bees to any forum mention of SBI!, adding to their list of false charges. The result?
All debating does is create more content and search rankings for them. We have even asked SBIers not to reply to them, which would give them what they want (more attention, content and search rankings).
It's surprising that outright lies by a few can damage a good business and go unpunished. Since options are limited, this official reply is our best opportunity to set the record straight...
We have invited them to reply here, where we can calmly dissect their claims and point out all the techniques that they use to spread misinformation. We can't do that anywhere else. Not surprisingly, they are not interested in replying in a forum where techniques like swarming would not be tolerated.
"Why?" is the first question that we had to answer, for ourselves if not for you. Why would this small group of people feel driven to a level of emotional reaction and effort that's out of all proportion to anything short of a hate crime? All we can see is that we had the temerity to do such things as...
- warn people away from bad approaches that some of these people recommended in the SBI! Forums. Solid recommendations are encouraged, but affiliate-linked "tips" and products that are known to be poor/counterproductive are against the forum guidelines. SBI! protects everyone from bad strategies and scammy products.
- expel about 1 SBIer per year from the SBI! Forums, refunding their money, for disrupting the forums, ignoring all warnings. You'll see these types call me "dictatorial" or that we practice "censorship." But in every case, SBIers were relieved to finally be rid of each of those persons. They were loud, difficult, vengeful sorts who must have the last word.
- compare SBI! to WordPress as a business-builder. In fact, this became so obvious to us (that WordPress was not a business-builder "out of the box") that we later released SBI! for WP. It converts WP into a complete and effective business-builder.
The remainder of their claims range from outright lies to clever distortions of quarter-truths that turn molehills into Mount Everest. Their own conversations revealed why they later "downgraded" some of their earliest lies to distortions or "opinions"...
The Panicked Cleanup
They began to fear lawsuits when they realized that our database would disprove many statements as lies (establishing them firmly as liars), when they crossed the line calling me "Hitler" and adding various vile, personal claims and so on.
Sidebar: They did not know that we had already documented everything with a court-accepted service. So their act of removing the more defamatory statements did not save them. We simply decided that winning would bankrupt the worst one, but not stop her or them. It would only drive them all underground, twice as vengeful. They even set up forums dedicated to defaming SBI! — called Suckers Buy It! ("SBI!"). Those forums were later taken down.
We'll answer them all, once and for all, here, if they agree to debate us without swarming and without other ridiculous strategies that reduce rational discourse to a sham. We would love to surgically unpack each and every one of their claims, rationally and totally.
That is only possible right here. If you have found forum posts where we or supporters did try to debate, you will see the vulgarity and lack of good will to conduct any fair discourse or civil debate. Forum owners liked the controversy, so they let it stand. So on it went...
It can take 1000 words and careful documentation to dismantle an ugly, negative claim that takes 5 minutes and 1 paragraph to make. No sooner would we post a reply taking apart their false claim, they would follow with 5 more ridiculous claims.
They did indeed prove the old adage (see the image above) to be true...
When the debate is lost,
slander becomes the tool of the loser.
– Socrates
Bottom Line: When you read a forum post or article or so-called "review," know that as nasty as it is, the original was much worse. Then matters got worse. The rankings became higher and more plentiful when they found each other...
Running the Scam Against SBI!
Once a few of these people found each other, led by one particular person who wrote a review that was full of provable lies (data from our servers), their collaboration took off and reinforced each other's emotions (to fever pitch). They developed link-building systems that gained good search results. Here is how their campaign of negativity works...
- They use our name, trademarks and trade names to attract those who are interested in Site Build It! ("SBI!").
- They narrow down to topics such as "Site Build It! scam" or "Site Build It! reviews" to create damaging doubt through a mixture of lies, distortions, innuendo, and wild/baseless speculations.
- They interlink the negative reviews extensively to rank highly at search engines ("link spam").
- They create hundreds of articles like this in order for a few to rank highly in Google, Bing and other search engines.
- After falsely seeding doubt in SBI!, they then sell their own products or services.
Made-on-Demand Reviews
Most negative SBI! "scam reviews" were originally made-on-demand. These so-called "reviews" were fabricated by hundreds of followers of "Make Money Online" ("MMO") gurus who promote dishonest and spammy schemes and products. They perceived our recommendations, as well as the integrity and value of SBI!, as a threat.
Followers of MMO gurus create and interlink "made-to-order" negative reviews, even though they know nothing about SBI!. The "followers" never even used SBI!. They obeyed precise instructions (right down to the keywords to use) to create rankings for the gurus.
In May 2010, this group admitted that the spammy schemes they recommended had been struck down by Google. Their followers lost a great deal of time and potential income. The gurus disappeared, although the most damaging articles remain.
The Power of SBI!
True to our prediction, this group was struck down by Google, with only one damaging article left in the rankings. Also true to prediction, the ex-SBIer group has many long-term high rankings that defame SBI!. We thank them (with mixed feelings) for demonstrating the power of SBI!. 💪 😢
Over the years, this small and zealous group has used its SBI! training to generate a high number of extremely negative and totally false reviews that rank highly at Google. The intensely emotional ones, one-sided comments by followers, were easy to spot as fake SBI! reviews — we advise people here to beware the super-zealous tone.
So they adapted. More recently, these subtle and cleverly written pieces try to look like the very "voices of reason." Calm, analytical, objective... and made-up stories. It's all still lies or, at the very least, bent and twisted exaggerations of minor issues.
And it gets worse. They are harder for the uninitiated to spot. Here are two scenarios you may have seen...
- People who have read the "clever" fake reviews do more than pass up on the chance to use SBI! to build a business for themselves. When they see someone else ask about SBI! in a forum, they will answer (honestly trying be helpful) to "stay away because I have read some bad things."
- Others, lazy affiliates for other products, simply "borrow" the more inflammatory material from the IED reviews, reword it and bingo... a review. They clearly have never used it. They close by pitching another product, the type that has never improved anyone's chance of success.
The IED material is, admittedly, effective at hurting 1) our business, 2) our reputation and 3) what could have been the best thing to happen for you online. All they need to do is seed doubt in you...
"Where there's smoke there must be fire - why even take the chance?" Do not let them push you from your best chance to an inferior product. 🚫
Here's how to beat their strategy without taking any risk...
How to Get to the Truth
The following 2 hard facts speak for themselves...
Fact #1 A disproportionately high percentage of SBIers build high traffic, more than ten times the average solopreneur. No matter what the IEDs say about SBI!, that one massive, inarguable fact is one compelling reason to try it. We guarantee (literally) that. Just try it — you'll see. And it's not just about the rate of success...
Fact #2 SBI!'s levels of success are also unmatched. Win bigger, too. You will never see any other company showing documented proof of a track record of success like SBI!'s.
The facts above are conservative. In a more recent study, we found that SBI! accounts for 10% of those content-based sites that are passively monetized in Alexa.com's "Top 1,000,000."
That 10% figure is a staggering number for a smallish company that accounts for fewer than 1/100th of 1% of all active websites (Netcraft.com)!
Nothing is a sure thing. But SBI! is the best thing... the solopreneur's best chance to build a profitable online business.
Those are the facts. Trying SBI! is the best way for you to see how rigorous, solid and doable it is. Sure, it's possible that you may not like it for some reason (e.g., it may be more work than you want to invest). But no matter what...
The truth will be clear. SBI! is for real. The detractors lie. That's our final answer.
Let's boil it down...
How Can You Be 100% Sure?
Only your experience counts...
Step #1 Ignore "Site Build It scam reviews." Ignore them all, favorable or not, pro or con.
Step #2 Give SBI! a good, honest try, totally risk-free. See our 90 Day Money-Back, "Confidence of Success" Guarantee
Or do the same thing with our WordPress version, using the free trial of SBI! for WP.
Follow the SBI! Action Guide. Use the tools. Have a question? You'll find out why the SBI! Forums are the most useful small e-business forums in the world. If you have any sort of problem, reach out to SiteSell Support.
Step #3 Really do it. When you love SBI! the way most people do, continue building an online business that impacts your life. If not, we refund 100% of your money. Even the "smear reviews" admit we always refund.
And on that note, it's time to say...
SBI! Is Not for Everyone
No product is. Some people dislike the SBI! approach as soon as they start it. Others realize that it's more work than they want to do. (SBI! makes success doable, breaking it all down into simple-to-do steps — but we never claim it's "easy.")
Even for those who like and use SBI!, some people don't succeed on their first try. All that is normal in the course of business.
What's not normal? The intense campaign to damage SiteSell as a business, hurt the reputation of a fine product and the personal attacks that once caused my daughter to ask why people say some really terrible things about me personally ("Hitler," really?).
We choose to focus on what we can control. For those who try SBI!, we'll let the truth speak for itself. Meanwhile, we continue to grow SBI! into a better and better product, stronger with each major development in the Internet. We integrate such changes into SBI!, improving its effectiveness.
Note: The IED claims that SBI! is old-fashioned and out-of-date are blatant lies. Regular updating is one of SBI!'s big benefits.
Bottom Line? Do not believe them. For that matter, there's no need to believe us. You decide. Simply try SBI! to find the truth...
No Risk, High Upside
SBI! costs only $29.99 per month or $299 per year. The price of SBI! for WP is 50% of that.
If it turns out that it's not for you, just cancel and refund. Here's the 90 Day Money-Back, "Confidence of Success" Guarantee. As I mentioned, even the most biased "reviews" confirm that we always honor our Guarantee.
Note: If you prefer WordPress, take our free trial of SBI! for WP.
Total risk = $0. It all boils down to this...
Only your experience counts. That is the direct, fast and simple way to know.
You've nothing to lose by trying it. On the other hand, if these people convince you not to try it, you will have lost a good chance of having a thriving online business in a year from now.
Just Try It!
Best regards, and enjoy the journey,

Ken Evoy
Founder, SiteSell Inc.
P.S. Comments? I'd love to hear from you. And if you are an "IED," I invite you to a thorough and civil examination of each and every one of your claims, together.
📞 Questions? Call us at 1-888-987-3669 (+1 514-448-4573 outside of North America)
Monday to Friday 8AM to 8PM, Saturday & Sunday 12PM to 5PM (Eastern).
📞 Questions? Call us at 1-888-987-3669 (+1 514-448-4573 outside of North America)
Monday to Friday 8AM to 8PM, Saturday & Sunday 12PM to 5PM (Eastern).